Last update to this section: December 3, 2006.
Unless indicated otherwise, all requirements for the Adult Leader Training should be covered in class.
Please note that all participants are registered by troop. One leader from each pack, troop, or crew may register all adult volunteers. If this is not possible, adults may register separately. The process is very similar to going to summer camp.
1. Before you register, you need to do a few things first.
a. If you register for your self, it is required that you check the box
marked “Unit Leader” on the “User Profile” information page. You get
there by pressing the “My Profile” button on the main page.
b. Next, to help you in the registration process, it is advisable that
you print out a hard copy of the classes offered on the first page of
the web site and a hard copy of these registration directions before
you proceed.
c. Now press the “Unit Sign Up” button at the top of the first page
of event.
d. You are now on the “Scout Registration” page.
1. Press the drop down menu arrow for all upcoming events to
locate the “University of Scouting: Adult Leader Training;
Tuscaloosa, AL” Click on it.
2. Go to the bottom of the same page and locate your name in
the “Unit Leader Roster.” It should have a “No” next to your
name under “Attending Event.” Press the blue “Toggle” button
to change “No” to “Yes.” Now you may register for classes.
3. Now enter your first name, last name, phone number, and
e-mail. For age, please, enter 20 from the drop down menu. Of
note this online system is adapted from a Merit Badge system
for Boy Scouts and Venture Crews.
4. To register for your first class you must first select a
“Session” time from the drop down menu to find out what
classes are offered at that time. You then select one from all of
the classes offered at that time. The logic is like channel surfing
TV to find out what is offered at a particular time. This is where
the class list you printed out a few moments ago comes in
handy. You then press the “Add” button and you are now
registered for that one class. If you registered for the wrong
class or change you mind later, just hit the delete button next to
the class by your name.
5. To register for a second class you go to a different time and
select from that list of classes. Please, make sure that if you
select a two hour class, you skip an hour before you select
another class. For example, if you select a 2 hour class
beginning at 0900, you should not sign up for another class until
2. Now you are ready to pay. Please, see the section below on Payment Instructions.
a. If you are experiencing any technical problems, please, contact
William Aldridge or David Wilson by using the above contact
information. Once you have learned the process, please, help others.
1. If you ever encounter an error message, just hit the back arrow on your web browser and press the "update" button again. If it fails after two attempts, please e-mail William Aldridge or David Wilson. Also, please include your day and night phone.
2. I have noticed that it takes two attempts to enter the Council name and District name. When you enter the Council name and District name, please check the drop-down menu first. For members of the Black Warrior Council, please use the drop-down menu. Please register by January 18, 2007.
Please note that instructors request e-mail or telephone numbers for coordination.
ALL instructors and students NEED to check-in at the registration desk located in the atrium on the first floor of Shelton State Community College.
0700 Check-in will start. Please follow the signs and enter through the front of the building. There will be free coffee available to Scout Leaders and Instructors. Last chance for adult leader to order lunch, if extra lunches are available for $5.00. Important note: You may register your Boy Scouts for Merit Badge College today. Merit Badge College will be on March 3, 2007.
0830 Opening ceremony in large lecture hall (Same room as last year).
08:50 Each Counselor escorts his/her class to the designated classroom.
0900 Classes begin.
1200 Lunch. You must have a meal ticket for lunch. General announcements about future events will be given to you at registration. Those classes that must go off site may need to take a sack lunch. If such is the case, the lunch will be given to them prior to their leaving campus. Don't forget that coffee is FREE even at lunch.
1300 Classes resume.
1500 All classes are finished. All scout leaders and instructors fill out Feedback Forms. Then all scout leaders and instructors will go to the auditorium for closing ceremony.
1515 CLOSING CEREMONY. Announcements. Counselors and students return envelope packets and feedback forms to registration desk. EVERYBODY helps with clean up.