The most common issues we have seen are:
Scouter isn't registered with BSA
You do NOT have to be a troop leader but you must be registered with a BSA Number and have a
current Youth Protection training on file. Login to
to retrieve your BSA Number and refresh your Youth Protection Training.
Anyone can sign-up to be a Parent, Unit Leader, Merit Badge Counselor, and/or Event Manager. To
do so, simply create a new user, and enter your information. All adults using must submit a user profile.
We have no control over the results from BSA. If your registration is active,
your Youth Protection Training is up to date, and you enter everything exactly the way it is listed on your
BSA Membership card, it should work. If BSA tells us your membership is invalid, our hands are tied.
Scouter isn't affiliated with a unit in the BSA National database
After logging in, your name and unit affiliation is shown at the top of the page.
If you are assigned to unit 0123456789, you CANNOT register scouts.
You do NOT have to be a troop leader but you must be registered with a BSA Number and be associated with a known BSA unit.
Select "Edit profile" and click the "change unit" button. Enter the validation data to retrieve your data from the BSA database.
IF you are associated with one or more units, there will be an option to select the unit you wish to use.
IF you ARE NOT associated with a unit you have two options.
1. Contact your unit's advancement coordinator and have them register your scouts or
2. Contact your Council Service Center and have them get your affiliation adjusted in the BSA database.
There are no badges/classes in the list
Be sure you change the "Session" dropdown. Many events have several sessions.
If you do this and nothing appears, the classes are full.
How do I delete an event?
We do not usually delete anything. If you copied an event by mistake and want it to go away, set the start date to sometime in the past.
I cannot register scouts
Pay attention to all red text.
see the Scouter isn't affiliated with a unit in the BSA National Database message above.
We have registered nearly a half million seats so it is unlikely a system problem.
Try using a different browser. Safari is notorious for issues
Try rebooting your PC.
Try using a differeint PC.
Try a different network.
Most issues we find today are based on technology changes at the user side.
If you have watched the help videos, tried our suggestions, and still cannot get things to work,
drop us a line by sending an email to answering the following questions.
Reporting Defects
Cut and paste this and answer the questions
--- cut ---
1) Computer Operating System version (ex: OSX 11, Windows 7, Droid 5)?
2) Browser and version (IE 11, Safari 2, Chrome 12)?
3) Event you are trying to register for?
4) Email you are using to sign in?
6) What did you do?
7) What did you see?
8) What did you expect to see?
9) Attach screen capture showing any errors?
--- cut ---
When reporting defects, please hit the back button on your browser and press the
Prnt Scrn key on the top right of your keyboard. Paste the image captured
by printscreen into the defect report and explain the circumstances where you got
this defect. It helps to have your email ID, the page where the defect occurred,
the information you entered, and anything else that helps us reproduce the error.
We cannot diagnose your issue from an email stating "I cannot register my son for Citizenship in the World
and the class is now full". We must have more context that lets us reproduce your issue.
If you do not send us items 1-9 above with suficient detail to diagnose your issue, your email will not be answered.
Rodrigo and Mike have provided for free since January 2006. We both hold full-time jobs,
travel far too much, and cannot be on-call to help you immediately.
Nearly everything you need to know to use this website is answered in the videos.
If we missed something, let us know and we'll fix it.
Thank you for using and all you do for our youth.
Comments, Suggestions, Enhancement Requests, and Complaints...
click here
to ask for an enhancement, leave a testimonial, or report a defect.