Great News!

Friends of 1776, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corp whose mission is to support and encourage youth oriented education in areas of citizenship, character, responsibility and environmental awareness has agreed to take over running will live on with new material and better support.

Stay tuned for more information regarding this website.

Yours in Scouting, Mike & Rodrigo

Event Details

Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic at Georgia Tech

901 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332

Merit Badge
11 AM
3 PM
0 (# badges a single scout can attend)
$0.00 (Cost to attend this event)
any scout who wants to attend (Who is invited)

--- Start here for help ---

Most of your questions about payment, start and end times, and where to be are explained beneath the list of badges on this page.
Please read everything we've included in the event description. If you still have questions, contact the event manager by clicking this button.

Email Mr Trent Rotter (, the Event Manager

--- ---

Sponsor Information

Welcome Scouts and Parents!

*This event is FREE.*

*To sign up, please click "Register my unit" found under the session listing*
AT LEAST ONE PARENT MUST ACCOMPANY HIS OR HER SCOUT AT ALL TIMES THROUGHOUT THE EVENT. Scout Masters may accompany their Troop's scouts in lieu of parents. This is in compliance with Georgia Tech's new Youth Programs Policy which came into effect May 2017. The link to this policy can be found here:

Students of the Chemistry and Biochemistry department at Georgia Tech are hosting a free Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic on Saturday, March 8th, 2025*. All scouts are allowed, and there is NO restriction on council or district. There are NO prerequisites for scouts. There are only 60 slots available per clinic. Scouts need to bring one signed waiver form (mandated by Georgia Tech), which can be found in the link below. They must be printed out and brought with you.

Please contact Yujin Lee ( or Trent Rotter ( if you have any questions.

Event Description

Our Merit Badge Clinic consists of a series of interactive lectures with demonstrations to teach the fundamentals of chemistry. These lectures will include topics such as chemical reactions, environmental science, and a tour of a functioning chemical lab right on campus. 

Registration for the event starts at 10:30 A.M at the Molecular Science and Engineering Building at Georgia Tech. Our sessions will begin at 11 A.M., and the clinic will last until around 3 P.M. Please see below for driving and parking instructions. Scouts should pack a lunch before coming to the event, as food will NOT BE PROVIDED.

Notes about the Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic @ Georgia Tech: 
- The Clinic is hosted by Georgia Tech's School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- The Clinic meets ALL requirements as set forth by BSA National to earn a Chemistry Merit Badge 
- There are NO prerequisites or pre-requirements for Scouts coming into the Merit Badge
- Scouts should have the following in their checklist of items for the event: Lunch, Water Bottle (optional), one completed Waiver (found below), BLUE CARD for MERIT CLINIC

Waiver Information:

Counselor Information

Unit Sign-up Instructions

Please click the link located below that says "Sign Up My Unit". Fill out all necessary information.  If you have any questions feel free to email or

Unit Payment Instructions

This clinic is free!


Campus Map Link:
Classes will be held in the Molecular Science and Engineering Building at Georgia Tech:

Parking will be right next to the building, and our members will be holding signs to direct you towards parking and towards the building.

Address: 901 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332
Building: Molecular Science and Engineering Building (MoSE) at Georgia Tech

North on I-75/I-85:
Take exit 250 (10th street/14th street).
Turn left at first light on 10th street.
Turn left on State Street at traffic light.
At stop sign, go straight. Signs for parking should be visible at this point.

South on I-75:
Take exit 250 (10th street/14th street/16th street).  Keep left towards 10th street.
Turn right on 10th street at stop sign.
Turn left on State Street at traffic light.
At stop sign, go straight. Signs for parking should be visible at this point.

South on I-85:
Take exit 84 (10th street/14th street/17th street). Keep left towards 10th street.
Turn right on 10th street at stop sign.
Turn left on State Street at traffic light.
At stop sign, go straight. Signs for parking should be visible at this point.
