Our Merit Badge Clinic consists of a series of interactive lectures with demonstrations to teach the fundamentals of chemistry. These lectures will include topics such as chemical reactions, environmental science, and a tour of a functioning chemical lab right on campus.
Registration for the event starts at 10:30 A.M at the Molecular Science and Engineering Building at Georgia Tech. Our sessions will begin at 11 A.M., and the clinic will last until around 3 P.M. Please see below for driving and parking instructions. Scouts should pack a lunch before coming to the event, as food will NOT BE PROVIDED.
Notes about the Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic @ Georgia Tech:
- The Clinic is hosted by Georgia Tech's School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- The Clinic meets ALL requirements as set forth by BSA National to earn a Chemistry Merit Badge
- There are NO prerequisites or pre-requirements for Scouts coming into the Merit Badge
- Scouts should have the following in their checklist of items for the event: Lunch, Water Bottle (optional), one completed Waiver (found below), BLUE CARD for MERIT CLINIC
Waiver Information: