Great News!

Friends of 1776, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corp whose mission is to support and encourage youth oriented education in areas of citizenship, character, responsibility and environmental awareness has agreed to take over running will live on with new material and better support.

Stay tuned for more information regarding this website.

Yours in Scouting, Mike & Rodrigo

Event Details

Troop 419 10th Annual Merit Badge Event

302 N. Parker Dr., Janesville, WI 53545

Merit Badge
2 (# badges a single scout can attend)
$40.00 (Cost to attend this event)
any scout who wants to attend (Who is invited)
Glacier's Edge
Indian Trails

--- Start here for help ---

Most of your questions about payment, start and end times, and where to be are explained beneath the list of badges on this page.
Please read everything we've included in the event description. If you still have questions, contact the event manager by clicking this button.

Email Christopher Lissa CISSP, MCSE, VCP (, the Event Manager

--- ---
ActivitySessionClass FeeSeats Available
ABA Attendance By Adult All Day 0 87
Art 1 5 9
Art PM 5 10
Campsite overnight 75 1
Campsite overnight 75 1
Campsite overnight 75 1
Chemistry 2 5 6
Chemistry 1 5 9
Chess 2 0 8
Citizenship in Society* 1 0 8
Citizenship in Society* 2 0 3
Citizenship in the Nation* PM 0 2
Citizenship in the World* AM 0 0
Communication* 2 0 7
Cooking* All Day 10 7
Emergency Preparedness* AM 0 9
Emergency Preparedness* PM 0 9
Family Life* PM 0 8
Family Life* AM 0 7
First Aid* All Day 10 24
Fish and Wildlife Management 1 0 3
Fish and Wildlife Management 2 0 10
FOOD All Day 10 193
Forestry 1 0 9
Geology 2 0 9
Geology 1 0 10
Indian Lore 2 15 8
Music AM 0 8
Painting PM 5 3
Personal Management* 2 10 10
Personal Management* 1 10 10
Photography 1 0 4
Photography 2 0 8
Pottery 1 10 7
Soil and Water Conservation Am 0 7
Register my unit

Sponsor Information

This is the 10th Annual Merit Badge Event For Troop 0419, 7419 and Crew 2419 in Janesville, Wi.

We would like to Welcome you all to this event.

Join our troop's and crew for an outstanding day of merit badge classes and learning. All Scouts local and beyond are invited to attend. It is our sole intent to create an environment where Scouts have the opportunity to continue their advancement and expand their knowledge while earning merit badges. It is not the intent to create a “Merit Badge Factory” that requires minimal to no work on the Scouts behalf. Scouts who do not meet the requirements as outlined in the BSA handbooks will receive partials reflecting satisfactory completed components with the remaining to be made up within their own troop or with a local certified counselor. All of our counselors are experts in their respective field either by trade, advanced degree or both. They are volunteering their time to share their knowledge with the Scouts and we are very blessed with their passion to teach and share their knowledge valuable time.


Event Description


7:30 AM - 8:00 AM  Registration - Orientation
7:45AM - 8:00 AM  Flags

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Morning Sessions (release from some classes is Noon to relieve long lunch lines)
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM  Lunch Break 

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Afternoon Sessions

Clinic Format

We will be offering AM, PM and ALL DAY merit badge classes.  Scouts may select AM and PM classes and earn 2 merit badges (or 3 if Fingerprinting and Traffic Safety are chosen for the AM session) or they may select an All Day class and earn just that merit badge.  Troop(s)/Scouts with parent(s) will be asked to check-in at the main entrance. before 7:30am.  Please arrive early to avoid a late rush at 8:00 (Please pay attention to signage that will be posted the day of the event. Morning sessions will begin at 8:00am. Lunch will be from 11:35 to 12:45.  The afternoon sessions will from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The registration cost is $40.00. There are a few merit badges that have extra material fees.  Please check when registering. Late Registration is $55 at the door!!!!!!!!!!!

Scout Requirements

To earn a merit badge we require Scouts to participate fully in class and complete all pre-requisite requirements.  We require the Merit Badge Work Sheets found at to be completed prior to event.  Scouts who do not complete requirements either at the clinic or before will still have a chance to learn new skills and be on their way to completing the merit badge.

Requested Help From Scout Leaders 

Per Youth Protection Guidelines we require two deep leadership in every class room.  If you are a leader with current Youth Protection Training, you can sign up to assist with the 2 deep leadership.  We will assign you to a classroom to provide the 2nd trained leader. Please sign up for the "All Day" session of  "ABA Attendance by Adult" in the activity sign-up.

Leader/Parent Recommendations

As leader(s)/parent(s), you can help your Scouts be successful by registering them for appropriate badges. Younger Scouts should be discouraged from pursuing advanced badges they may be unable to complete or appreciate the knowledge being shared. Troop leaders should know the abilities of their troop members and should spend the required time prior to the MBC preparing each Scout for his session. Most badges have pre-requisite’s that must be accomplished before the clinic day.  Please make sure the Scouts do their homework. It is important that Scouts know the importance of working hard in class and cooperating with counselors and classmates.

Camping Options

There is limited Camping spots available for an extra cost. At Camp Lissa both are located near the Clinic.

Please contact either one for more details Camp Lissa number is 608-201-3873.

Merit Badge Completion

We offer a variety of hands-on quality merit badge classes. Each merit badge class is staffed with professional/expert instructors in the subject matter. Scouts are required to read the Merit Badge Booklet and finish all pre-requisites before attending the Merit Badge Clinic.

The Merit Badge Counselor will give credit for completed requirements only. The Scout should complete all other requirements not covered in class or completed prior to attending at his own pace with his own troop and local counselors.

Class Notes:

          First Aid:  Bring your personal first aid kit, your scout book. Read the First Aid Merit Badge book fully before coming to the class.   The merit badge counselor, Monica Delabarre, has need of assistance from other   leaders who have first aid knowledge. Contact Monica at e-mail to make arrangements.

Material to Bring

Scouts are expected to arrive prepared. Notebook with pencil or pen should be brought to the merit badge clinic. Scouts must request and receive Merit Badge Blue Cards from their Troop Advancement Committee or Scoutmaster in advance of the clinic. Scouts should bring their approved blue cards with them to the clinic. NO BLUE CARDS WILL BE PROVIDED the day of, or completed without the appropriate signatures.  Merit Badge Blue Cards will NOT be handed out during the clinic. Please note classes that may offer two merit badges in one session. All pre-requisite items for each class and worksheets used in the classrooms can be found at

Dress Code

The BSA Class A uniform is the official uniform for the day.  No exception.


All fees must be received by March 20th. to secure classes.  There will not be any refunds after March 18th!  No spots will be held or assumed held in the absence of payment.

 If payment is not received in full by March 25th , registration and merit badge classes will be on a first come - first served basis.  Cost at the door is $55 Classes selected online will not be held and may fill before you arrive on April 6th.

Counselor Information

CitCounselors: Please check the Pre-requisites and material fees for your MB classes.   Also review the classroom that has been assigned for your class and confirm that it will be adequate.  Review the notes listed for your class if that applies. Review the minimum age requirement and maximum class size.  

Help from Merit Badge Counselors from outside Troop 0419, 7419 and Crew 2419

We may accept additional Merit Badge Counselors if any leaders wish to contact us by December 1, 2023 and request to teach a merit badge.  Any volunteers who are accepted to teach a class will receive one free scout registration, their lunch and a merit badge event patch which is a total value of $50.  Contact us at if you wish to offer to teach a class. 


Unit Sign-up Instructions

To sign up for our event you first need to click on enter registration system.  After clicking, a new page will appear that will show all the events that are available. In the upper right hand of the new page there is the option to register new users. If you are new to the website you must sign up as a troop leader, in order to register your scouts. Once you are registered in the system you can sign up for the event. The event is entitled Troop 419 10th Annual Merit Badge Event.  Add yourself as the adult and then you can add your scouts to the event.

All spots are first come, first serve and reserved for paid scouts. Individual Scouts may attend with their parent or guardian. Troops are asked to follow the 2 deep leadership and more requirements as outlined by The BSA. This is not a dump and run event. Supervision for your Scout(s) is expected by the parent or Troop leadership. WE ASK THAT EACH SCOUT ONLY TAKE 1 EAGLE REQUIRED MERIT BADGE!


Lunch will Be provided.

Lunch Menu is 

Taco Bar 

beef, chicken,

Browne, Kool aid

Adults who wish to have lunch, need to sign up for a $10 fee.  Limited volunteer spots are available so sign up early.

Concessions are available for breakfast (donuts and box juice) and for snacks throughout the day. Suggested spending money

We have T-shirts as well 

Unit Payment Instructions

OR payment at the door 

Write check made out to Troop #419:

Mail to:
       Christopher Lissa

                    3733 W. Plymouth Church Rd.

                   Beloit, WI 53511



St. John Lutheran Church 302 N Parker Dr. Janesville, WI 53545

From Madison

Take I-90 East to Janesville Exit 171 A for Wisconsin 26 South (veer right after exiting I-90, Menards on your right) Turn Right on Center. Go Down Big hill and stay to your left at Stop Light make Left turn on to Parker Dr. Church on Left.

From Rockford

Take I-90 West to Janesville Exit 175 US BUS 14 (St Mary’s Hospital on Right) Turn Left through roundabouts and stay on Racine St. head west to Main St. Make Right turn on to Main St.  Turn Right on to Center for 1 block and make right turn on to Parker Dr.  Church on Left and parking is on right.


Please note that scout(s) will be photographed during the event

for troop records and advertisement's